I’m Erin Pascoe and I’m a graphic designer interested in making people’s thoughts come to life in a more tactile and visual way. I have a strong background in prototyping physical collateral such as books, vinyl albums, boxes, etc. and I enjoy being able to see my designs’ impact in a physical space. With a growing interest in UX/UI, I love to learn new methods of reaching people to help their imagination become reality. I have recently graduated with a BFA in Graphic Design from the University of Florida and hope to continue learning from new people and new places.
Whenever I need a refresher, I love to travel and have visited many cities including Seoul, Seattle, and Chicago. I’m interested in all sorts of music, in multiple languages, and believe that music has the ability to transcend language. When I’m able to combine all three of my passions, that’s what allows me to truly be myself.